Friday, October 23, 2015

Tessellations are all around us

The picture is of the metal platform at one end of a caboose that is at the Whistle Stop Restaurant and Monon Connection Museum north of Monon, Indiana. Note the cmm symmetry. It is an example of isohedral class IH67, which is a bisection of isohedral class IH17. IH17 is hexagonal, with two opposite edges straight and unshapable. The other four edges are identically shaped with central rotation. One half is the mirror image of the other. It fits six of the seven hexagonal Heesch types, all but C3C3C3C3C3C3. There is also a second way of bisecting IH17, by cutting the example show below horizontally rather than vertically. That will yield an IH26 tiling. Finally, IH17 can be quartered, resulting in an IH54 tiling.

This is a tiny bit of what I learned during my Journey through Heesch Types and Beyond.

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